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Thoughts & Inspiration

Yesterday I was sitting on the ledge of the porch and looking outside at the beauty of God’s creation. And I got this image of Rapunzel coming down from the castle in Tangled for the first time. And when she hits the bottom and puts her feet in the grass, she begins to run. She begins to dance and sing and sprint through these fields. Her whole life was spent trapped in this castle; yet when she tastes freedom for the first time, when she feels the sun hit her face for the first time, when she feels the softness of the grass for the first time- she cannot help but dance. 

The presence of Jesus has made me dance. When you truly experience the freedom found in Christ, you cannot help but dance in overwhelming joy. Once you taste and see the love of the Lord, the castle of sin you have been trapped in your life is broken down. Brick by brick, God takes you to the bottom of your past until you are running in the newness of life. The Bible says that “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom,” (2 Corinthians 3:17), and “who the Son sets free is free indeed” (John 8:36). By the blood of Jesus, we are set free. We are redeemed. By His nail pierced hands and by the blood on His back. 

Jesus has invited us to dance undignified in the field of freedom. To dance with a heart abandoned to the opinions of the world, abandoned to the shame of our past, abandoned to the grip of the enemy. God has been breaking down my walls and allowing me to walk in complete freedom. Knowing that I am His and that is enough. Forever enough.