
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In exactly one week I leave for world race launch. In exactly one week I say goodbye to my friends and family and step into a whole new experience. In exactly one week, my yes to following God anywhere He asks me to becomes a reality. This past week I saw a quote that said “the Great Commission was not merely a great suggestion.” Jesus’s calling for our life is infinitely greater than a mere suggestion. It is a calling and a privilege to partake in sharing the gospel to the ends of the earth for the glory of God. How amazing is it that the God of the universe does not need us, and yet He wants us? That we are so unable on our own, and yet He is willing and eager to move through us?

Right now I am sitting in a coffee shop reading through Acts again, and came across one of the most profound verses in the bible. In Acts 3, Peter and John are walking to the temple for the hour of prayer, and they walk past a man who has been unable to walk since birth. It is estimated that he sat outside of the temple begging for money for 15-30 years, feeling broken, hopeless, and alone. And as Peter and John walk past the man begging for money, Peter stops and says to him “look at us.” The man looks up at Peter, ready to receive any money they may have for him. But instead of money, Peter says something else. He says, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6). And immediately the man stands up, walks, and goes into the temple he had sat outside for decades, praising God. And not only did this man’s life change forever by the perfect power of God, but all those around him saw the healing and transformation that Jesus brought upon him, and began to praise Him also.

You see, just like Peter, we have been given the truth of the gospel. We have been given the knowledge of perfect hope; the Way, the Truth, the Life- Jesus. We have something that is far greater than silver and gold, or any of the temporary things of this world. Our sin separates us from a perfect God, and yet even when we were slaves to sin, Jesus died for us, rose again, and conquered the power of death. He offers fullness, forgiveness, and an eternity in heaven with Him for all that turn from their sins and turn to Him. This news is far better than the momentary satisfaction of money. It is infinitely more powerful than anything this world has to offer. And this is the news that Jesus has called us to share. To the ends of the earth. To every tribe, tongue, nation, and soul. Truly this calling is higher than a suggestion. It is more important than the momentary fulfillment of this world.

The gospel of Jesus is WORTH sharing. The gospel of Jesus has the power to save souls, to change hearts, to bring healing, hope, and reconciliation to the God of the Universe. The gospel of Jesus is too good to keep to ourselves, which is why we must go. It is why in one week I am leaving the comfort of my home. It is why in one week I am saying goodbye to everything I’ve ever known. Because the Great Commission is not a suggestion. It is a calling to plant seeds, water seeds, and watch God bring the increase. And it is far too important to ignore. I may not have silver or gold to offer, but what I do have I give. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I will share the gospel to the ends of the earth. Because Jesus Christ is worth it. He saved my soul, saved me from the grips of hell, and turned me from a slave to sin to a daughter of the King. So whether I am home, or across the world, I will tell others of the Only Way, the Only Truth, the Only Life. I will tell others of the unconditional, unrestricted, unrestrained love of the Father.

Holy Spirit, here I am. Use me however You want. I am Yours fully. In Jesus’s precious name, Amen.

One response to “to the ends of the earth.”

  1. Kaitlyn, you are such an inspiration. Your faith and joy will bring God’s love alive to so many around the world. We will definitely be following you. Stay safe and know that you’re loved by your family and friends. We are so proud of you.